Sunday, May 24, 2009

Events in May

One nice sunny Saturday, all the the great grandchildren ( plus one more) of Herb and Betty Dow, headed to Bangor to build a bear. It was a great time for all, even the parents that went. Lexy is such a good big sister. She gathers the little ones for a wonderful picture capturing the mood of the event.

Brooklynn....not really sure about the whole event..
Dawson, listening intently (or totally spaced out, not sure which)....

...and Lexy, really enjoying it all.

Then we headed back to Corinna for our annual spring "Sock Birthday" and a cookout. I think this should be used for some sort of advertising for the swing set. Here are 8 out of the 9 kids, all using AND enjoying the swing set. (Brooklynn is just going up the steps on the slide.) Fun Fun!

And here is little Alyvia, trying very hard to be safe. She knew the helmet was supposed to be on the head and buckled, but she just didn't know what was the front and back. Too cute.

New Sweaters and Old Friends

Ok, so it's been a while since I've posted, so I have some catching up to do.
Here is the latest knitting that I have finished- a new cardigan for Alexys. It has a different stitch on the cuffs and the back. I was so pleased with how it turned out, that I have started one for Brooklynn, too. Lexy loves it, but she doesn't want to take it home. So it stays here at Mammie's.
I had the privilege of attending a special function where one of my dearest, and oldest friends' grandmother received the Gold Post cane, in Newport. One of the best parts was seeing two very dear life long friends, Kim and Shelby. We were quite the trio through school, and it is such a wonderful relationship that we still share. No matter how much time passes between visits, we can pick up right where we left off. We all face different difficulties in our lives, and it's nice to know that these true friends will always be there, in some form or another, for each other.