Sunday, September 4, 2011

Use your imagination.....

First Day of School 2011

This year, Brooklynn started Pre-k. It was a big day for all.Lexy is in 3rd grade, growing up way too fast. She was ready to go to school back in July!

Kloe seemed quite excited, too! Mostly to see her friend Casey! She is in 2nd grade.
Dawson is in 1st grade. He, too, said he was ready to go back to school. Whose kids are these, anyway? He loves his new teacher!
All four are ready to go, dressed in their new clothes, and carrying their new back packs. Let's hope they are always this excited about school!
Here's the whole family. Even Brandy was off to "school", too. Not sure who was more excited about the first day of school, the kids, or their parents, or the day care provider. Hoping they all have a great year!