Tuesday, April 2, 2019

April 2, 2019

After 3 months away from home, more than 5000 miles put on the car, so many memorable days, we are back home in Maine. It was the best three winter months I have ever experienced. Warm, sunny days are some of what makes me happy. Already looking forward to next year, and all that it will bring.

Today is Alexys' sixteenth birthday. I remember her birth well. First time I had been present for a birth, well, on that end of it anyway. And the fact that it was my first grandchild changed my life. I became a grandmother, her grandmother, sixteen years ago today. I became Mammie, a role that I cherish, adore, and am blown away with. I had no clue that I would be completely smitten with all six little ones that call me "Mammie." It all started with this one, with the contagious smile.
The day she reached up, and took my hand as we walked across a parking lot, was unforgettable for me. With my own boys, I didn't have time to realize when they did it, or I took it for granted. When a grandchild touches your heart, visibly, you know there is a bond that will never be broken. A part of me wishes she would stay small, and that I could hold her in my lap, and rock her, and read to her. But another part of me is elated and proud of what she is becoming. I am so blessed and fortunate to have experienced grandmotherhood with such beautiful, caring, loving grandchildren. 

Monday, March 25, 2019

March 25, 2019

Haven't been doing a lot, but we seem to be busy. I guess that is a good sign. I have enjoyed the aqua zumba class when we meet. St Patrick's celebration was fun.

We have a class 3 days a week, when the weather cooperates. The instructor, Dawn, is just a peach! She is this tiny little thing, not sure of her age, but she acts and looks much younger than she is! And she can dance! I try to keep up, and pretend that I have some rhythm, but not sure I am succeeding. I am, however, moving, and am in the water. I feel stronger in some ways, so I guess I have progressed. I will miss these classes when we go home. Thanks, Dawn, for your lessons.

Ken and I were fortunate to witness another launch from Cape Canaveral. We viewed this one from "our" pier. It was not as thrilling as when we were closer, but it was still very cool to see. 
The bright spot is the rocket about 20-25 seconds into flight. It looks like the sun rising, but the sky doesn't lighten like it does in daylight. We have seen three, and hope to see many more in the years to come.

We had some overnight guests, as they traveled from Georgia to Jupiter, and included us in their travels.
Dave and Joan brought us some love from Maine, as they visited us on their journey. It was good to see them, and have some great conversations with them. Also a wonderful lunch at Captain Hiram's. Can't wait to see them, and the Wilbers, when we get home. I hope they enjoyed our spot here in the Bay!

Sunday, March 3, 2019

March 2, 2019

You know those friends that you don't see very often, but when you do, it's like it was yesterday? The ones that you immediately pick up right where you left off? Well, David and Cindy Louder are those friends, especially for Ken. He was really looking forward to their visit. They always seem to go the extra mile, or 1500 miles, to make the connection. They are easy going, never demanding, and will be happy with what ever you do.

We also were up at 2:30 this morning to watch another space launch. This time we went to the Barefoot Bay Pier, along with some other space nuts, and watched it. We were about 30 miles away, down the river. You could see the sky light up when it was ignited, and could watch it for several minutes until it looked like one of the stars in the sky. The photos are not clear, but they represent the moments after lift off, and about 20 seconds later, when it is higher in the sky. It looked like a red-orange moon, shedding light on the river.

So lucky to have seen not one, but two launches in our stay in Florida. Had always wanted to see the space shuttle take off, but it was not to be. If these rockets are this impressive, I can only imagine what the shuttle must look like. Wow!

March 1, 2019

After a great few days with the Antones, it was time to head back home. Didn't get as early a start as we had planned, but the time was spent well. Just love these guys.

We took a different route back home, stopping in Ortona Lock and Dam. I had never seen a lock, and never really understood how they worked. This lock allows the passage of vessels from the east coast of Florida, up canals into Lake Okeechobee, then west through the Ortona lock, into the Caloosahatchee Canal, and eventually into the Caloosahatchee River, and back to the Atlantic Ocean near Ft Myers. It was one of the coolest, simplest things I have ever seen.

They bring the watercraft into the lock area, and shut the gate. The craft is secured on the side, and then the other gate is opened, to let the water out and drop the level. This lock drops 8 feet.

 This one is about 40 or so feet long. You can see by the watermark how the water is dropping.
Once the craft has left the lock, if there are any that want to travel up the canal, they would enter, the lower gate would be closed, the upper gate would open to let the water in, and the level would begin to rise.
A great stop on our trip back home. Out of the way, not much fanfare, but a really interesting place for me.

February 27 & 28, 2019

Ken and I went to the west coast to visit my cousin, Dawn Louise and her husband, Perry. We stayed at their house last winter for a month, and thought we had found paradise. The most relaxing, calming place to spend time during the winter months. Drove through some agricultural areas to get there, stopping in Labelle at the Two Peas cafe for some lunch. Nice little local place, with some good food. Arrived at the Antone's and immediately we were in our suits and in the pool. Ahhhhh.

It was a great visit. Learned a lot about Perry's career in law enforcement- boy does he have some stories to tell. Some comical, some frightening. I don't think the public really knows what they go through. I know I didn't.

On Thursday, we visited with my friend's father that lives in  Fort Myers. Slugger was happy to see us, and we talked and reminisced for a while. He is a remarkable man, almost 89. He always has a story, or a piece of history to share. And usually a bloody mary, too.

Friday, February 22, 2019

February 22, 2019

A huge check mark off the non existent bucket list. HUGE!! Saw, and heard, an actual Space X Falcon lift off from Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral last night. We were so fortunate to be across the river, about 7 miles away from the launch pad. Seemed like we were much closer, but was told it was about 7 miles. We pulled off the highway, and parked beside the road, with the river in front of us. Even at 8pm, we could see the Vehicle Assembly Building, and the actual launch area from where we were. There were bright lights pointing towards the sky, so we knew that was the area. There were others around us, doing the same thing, and this couple helped me down over the bank, getting closer to the water, and out around the bushes.

We waited and waited and waited. Finally, as the seconds ticked down, I thought to myself,"I can't believe I am really experiencing this." Ken and I have watched NASA channel, and launches, and space missions for decades. And now, I was watching a rocket launch from Kennedy Space Center. 

This may look like the sun rising or setting, but it is the rocket igniting and starting lift off. It was an experience that left me awestruck. It looked like a giant fireball, rising from across the water, and lifting into the sky. It took about a minute or more, and the rumble hit us. The wind was at our backs, so it wasn't as loud as I had hoped. I really wanted to hear the rumble and feel it, too. The rocket soared. Just like the videos we have watched for so many years. Soared!

It was fast. In a matter of seconds it was over our heads, and the different phases were passing.
Even though the moon was quite full, this is still the rocket, glaring over the water. You could see the boats on the water. The pictures don't capture the true color or shapes of the glare. It looks like a sun in the pictures and videos. I am still in a bit of shock that I experienced this, and heard, and watched, and am so thankful for the experience. Hoping to catch another one before we head back home.

Yup! That's a big check!!

Thursday, February 21, 2019

February 19, 2019

As a kid, Ken had watched this Disney movie, "Almost Angels" about the Vienna Boys Choir. He had always wanted to see and hear them. Well, we got our chance. They were doing a performance at the King Center, in Melbourne, where we saw Michael Bolton. So, after my Aqua Zumba class, I boogied on home, and we were off for another adventure, well, sort of. At least it was something that Ken had always wanted to do. I guess that qualifies for a check mark on some list.
 They did not disappoint, either. A group of 24 or so young boys, ages 9 to 14, singing with so much talent, and actually at times, looked like they were having great fun, entertained us for almost 2 hours. They are on a 10 week tour, and all I could think about was they must miss their mothers! I am sure they were fine, they have been around for over 300 years. Another great evening, spent with my guy, and enjoying the talents of these young men.

When we got back to our placed, it was such a beautiful evening, and the moon was full. We went outside, sat under the carport, and just took in the warmth, and the moon light. I think the moon looks very different through the palm tree fronds, as compared to maple and birch trees at home!
I must say, I thoroughly enjoy being able to sit outside in the evening, with warm breezes, and no bugs to bother. There are not many days in Maine where you can do this. However, I don't think come July and August it even cools off enough here in Florida to be comfortable outside. Not everything is perfect all the time, right?

February 14, 2019

Valentine's Day. Now as many know, Ken and I don't do the traditional stuff on most of the holidays. Today being no exception. No chocolates- don't need them. No flowers- that is a story from long ago, but I will never get flowers from Ken. No, we decided to go to a show. We like theater productions- community, professional, seasonal- what ever. But let me back up a bit. Last summer at one of the productions in Corinna, I ran into a woman that used to live in Newport, and now lives in Fort Pierce, Florida. She was and still is a seamstress. She works part time at a shop, but then in her free time, volunteers at the Indian River State College for the performing arts department, helping with costumes. When we chatted for a bit, I realized we would be spending these few months not far from where she lives. She invited us to see one of the shows if we could.

Which brings us back to Valentine's Day. At the college, it was opening night of their performance of "Into the Wood." We have seen a couple different productions of this show, and have always enjoyed it. Tickets were purchased, and I began planning our not so special day.

Contacted a friend from Dexter that now lives in Fort Pierce area, and got some suggestions on places to dine. Not to be disappointed, 12A Buoy was a successful choice. Upon entering the little hole in the wall place, we were not so sure. Wasn't a linen table cloth place, but I knew it had some great reviews. And we were not disappointed. Meal was amazing!!!! Just plain delicious! Don't judge a book by it's cover, right?

On to the theater.
 Another interesting set, so different from the others we had seen. The show was great- standing ovation great! I came away feeling so fortunate to have seen such talented, young actors with fabulous costumes portraying Grimm's fairy tale characters. It was refreshing to watch youthful, uninhibited students doing something they loved. We don't see too much of this at home.
Ken always likes to look at the program and see what he can do to ours to make them better. I think he agrees, less is more! 

Before the show we walked around the campus a bit. Very different from the ones in Maine. Many outdoor sitting areas, and a huge pool! Nope, not in Maine.
The hibiscus are just gorgeous, and some of them are rather large. This one was bigger than my hand. 

Valentine's day 2019 was a huge success! 

February 11, 2019

Today we had visitors from home. Our friends that have been in Florida, traveled to the east coast to see us. They actually are in the same boat as us and trying to figure out what we want to do, where we want to be, in these retirement years. Bill and Fawn stopped by to explore this area and see what Barefoot Bay was like. We took them to lunch at a local place, right on the water. Great meal, great conversations, and even a discussion about some family and town history. 
Thanks for making the trek to our part of the state!

Thursday, February 7, 2019

February 7, 2019

Michael Bolton. I think I had every one of his CDs in earlier years. Loved listening and singing along. Last night, Ken and I saw Michael Bolton at the King Center in Melbourne. At the time when we were discussing getting tickets and seeing him, I thought it would be a great evening out. Not too far to drive. We could go out to dinner first.  Those that know me, know I do not do well with large crowds. Just not my thing. So as the day neared, I had my doubts and dreads. We found our way to the center, after asking some delightful ladies how to get there. Ken had the foresight to purchase primo parking, so that part was easy.

After having my purse searched, advancing through a metal detector, and then being wanded because of the knee replacement, we made it- into the lobby. And then we would have to wait, in the crowds until the doors opened. Still wasn't sure I was going to survive.

Found our way to our seats, first row, upper balcony- awesome selection!! When the show finally started, I kept waiting to be disappointed. It never happened. He performed. And he performed well! The songs, the music, the solos, the lighting- all of it. Amazing! He still has it! His musicians were outstanding, so so talented. His selection of songs that he sang included so many of my favorites.
Well worth the bit of anxiety I had, because once he started singing, I was taken back. I found myself singing along and smiling. Enjoying the music, the talent, and especially, my date for the night! We liked it so much, we are planning on seeing the Vienna Boys Choir!

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Feb. 2, 2019

Started the day with a yard sale of quilting items. Here in Barefoot Bay, you just never know what you might find. There are regular yard sales, you know the kind. Books, extra lamps, an old TV, But this was "high quality" quilting items. Let me just say, that quality is in the eye of the beholder! Ha ha! Needless to say, I found a couple things, and my friend did, too, but it was not at yard sale prices!

Ken and I decided to take the golf cart out. It was the first really nice day in about 3 weeks, so off we went to Pocatella. About two thirds of the way there, the gold cart slowed down a great deal. Ken decided to turn around, and head back to home. We almost made it! Almost! Just needed to cross over the two lanes and the median strip. Nope, was not going to happen. So, I got out to push, just a little way. One lady actually stopped and asked if we needed help! That's the way they are here in the Bay. With me pushing, and Ken pushing the pedal, we made it back home, plugged the baby in, and it is charged! Lesson learned! What do Ken and I really know about golf carts, anyway? Evidently, not much.

Got the best piece of mail today.
This was our thank you note from Gavin's family from Christmas. Hand painted by Elliot, I am sure! It made me miss them even more. Must be time for a face to face chat! These hand made gifts are the absolute best! 

Beautiful day! Finally the chill is gone, the sun was shining, and I was able to grill our dinner. even ate out in the sun room! It took a month, but I know it is here to stay! Happy Groundhogs Day!

Friday, February 1, 2019

A new beginning

Today is February 1, 2019. It has been a long time since I regularly posted on my blog, but with all the negativity and hate on face book, I decided to return to this method of writing and posting. I used to feel that I could truly express myself here, as I am not one to post too much personal stuff. Yes, the happy events, and the milestones, but not the woes and dirty laundry that so many do. With that said, here goes.

Ken and I traveled by car from Maine to Florida after Christmas. A first for us. We were both quite pleasantly surprised at how well it went, and that we arrived, as planned, all in one piece, and still married. We left Corinna on 12/28/18 at 9:42 am, and arrived 5 days later, 12/31/18. at Barefoot Bay, Florida at at noon. We traveled a total of 1691 miles! We have rented a place in "The Bay" for 3 months. Trying out the rental thing until we decide what we really want to do. You can rent a lot of places for what you pay for a place in Florida. Each day we find we are enjoying this area a little bit more, and maybe, just maybe, we could see ourselves here. Of course knowing it's below zero at home makes it that much easier to appreciate the temperatures here. It was a cool, chilly January for this part of Florida, but in comparison to Maine, well, there is none! No snow, no ice, no freezing temps!

I decided this morning, that we have been here a month, and I needed to start moving. Went for a walk with Ken, around the street that is behind us, and back around. Everyone is so friendly, and you can safely walk right in the street. If we were home, that would not even be a possibility! My goal is to try to do it at least 5 days a week.

We were so pleased to be able to connect in Florida. Through face book, and quilting, Raelene Smith Towne and I found each other, and a few summers ago, I visited with her in Maine. She and Terry were passing through the area we are staying in, so we met them at this very cool brewery in Vero Beach. The building had been vacant for decades, and now has been restored, and is a perfect place to meet up with old friends, have a great meal, and an excellent beer. Ken and I have been there a couple times, and would definitely go back again!

Something else you won't see in Maine in January. Though it is not blooming season here, it is so refreshing to see some beautiful blossoms here and there. Certainly made me stop and appreciate it's beauty.

Missing the family just a bit, but doing some video chat helps. Stay warm everyone!