Monday, April 10, 2017

I Did It!

   Since my last post, a big life changing event occurred. In December, the stars and planets were all aligned, and the last sign appeared. I made the decision that I would retire, effective December 28, 2016. Much anxiety, lots of stress, several glasses of wine and a few tears were involved. However, the decision was made, and circumstances at work had changed, making the decision that much easier. At the age of 60, I would work my last day on the bench, at Community Pharmacy in Dexter. The next day, the store would open with out me, with a new name, and a new owner. 

   Best decision of my life! Well, one of the best decisions of my life. Marrying Ken, having my sons, and retirement- all right up there. All those days and weeks and years, of those long hours, stressful work, missing so much of my sons' day to day life, all paid off. Saving every day, from day one of work, even when I was a child, working for my father on the farm, I saved a portion of what I earned. And it paid off. 

   I am retired! I haven't woken up once thinking maybe I should return to work. Not once! We been to Florida twice, both times thoroughly enjoying the warmth of friends and the sun. I was able to do that because I am retired! I chuckle as I type this, because it still seems too good to be true. But it is true! It's just now sinking in, really sinking in, that I am retired from work. No more life dependent stress. No more 11 hour days. No more missing special events, now in my grandchildren's lives. I am retired!

   So, my advice to these youngsters these days, thinking they have the world by the horns, save, save, save. Invest in your retirements. Make wise decisions, and save, save, save. You won't miss what you don't have, but as you approach 60 years of age, you might just be as fortunate as I am, and be able to retire.