Monday, May 31, 2010

Fun in the Sun

With the unseasonably warm weather of late, and a visit from the grandchildren, we had to take advantage of being out side. The pool wasn't quite ready for swimming, so we got out the hose and a sprinkler. Everyone knows that is all it takes for some fun in the sun.

Run, run, run.
Time for a rest, and getting warmed up.
Don't leave me behind. She ran with the rest of them.

Don't know why, but I really like this picture. The expression on Brooklynn's face.
And Lexy's smile says it all. She said a few times that this was the best day of her life!
Now, these next few pictures are showing what we inherited. Most of us can touch our tongues to our noses. I guess 2 out of 3 got it from me.
Nope, she can't
He definitely can!
Not pretty, but we know where they get it from!
There's that smile!
A few minutes of snuggling, and getting warmed up.And then she is off. Ride, Brooklynn, ride!
All in all, a fun and wonderful afternoon. The pool is now open and they have been in a few times this week. Let the summer begin.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Happy Birthday, Kenny!

Today I got you this beautiful, full rainbow, just for your birthday.

It was only out for a minute or two, but I made sure that it happened today!

And, no, the glow in the sky wasn't from the candles on the cake. I just wanted something special, just for you!