Sunday, December 4, 2011


I have just read about the passing of a young woman that I knew. I didn't know her well, but knew the family somewhat. She was a wife, mother, sister, and I'm sure, friend to many. From the videos and pictures I have looked at, she was full of fun, and love, and wasn't afraid to let go and dance, and sing, and make people smile and laugh. How sad my heart is that her little daughter will only have the memories to hang on to. She had a brain tumor, and fought with every thing she had. But she lost. And more importantly, her family and friends lost her. No one wants her to suffer anymore. But every one would have liked to have had her around longer. My thoughts are with her family and friends, and especially her little daughter. So thankful that my family and I have our health.

Sunday, November 27, 2011


It's hard when a BFF lives so far away. The best part is, when we do see each other, we pick up like it was yesterday. Now that we are older, and have a bit more time, we decided to meet half way for lunch. The weather cooperated, and we were able to meet Sue and David in Saco for a wonderful relaxed lunch. Nancy joined us too!
We went to this wonderful micro brewery, a renovated mill. I definitely would go back.
Sue, David, and Nancy... (and thank you Nancy for you hospitality later on.)

After lunch, since it was such a beautiful day, we were treated to a walk on OOB. November 26, and we were comfortably walking on the beach. Kids were barefoot playing in the sand, families walking and enjoying the outdoors. We looked up and saw 4 horses getting in on the fun. I wished I had taken my bathing suit, because I would have jumped in, just to say that I swam on November 26th. (Those of you that know me, know what I am talking about.)

Here's to you, Sue. Another memory created. Just a wonderful day. Let's try to make it something we do often, not just once a year.

Thanksgiving 2011

We let Dawson take the pictures this year to capture the Thanksgiving gathering. He did a fine job. Here are some we wanted to share.....
Lexy and Bear. Bear wanted to be part of the party, too!

He even got one of us. Love having everyone here, no matter what day or for how long.
This has to be the grandchildren's favorite holiday decoration. It's a small mailbox. They get the biggest charge out of opening it, or putting letters in it. Dawson wrote one to his great grandparents, and even got a real letter in the real mail box.
Uncle Gavin....
Jen ventured outside with the kids to make a snow "flamily"... they did an amazing job. It's been many years since we have had snow men on our lawn. Got to admit, I really like it!

Happy Birthday, Brooklynn

Brooklynn turned 5! She celebrated with cupcakes and ice cream, and smiles all around. And she has such a great smile. Happy Birthday, little one! Love you!

Halloween 2011

Fall Sock Party

As most of you know, we celebrate the Dow birthdays twice a year and exchange socks. Here are some pictures from the fall gathering.

The "older" kids decorated their cookies, and then got to eat them. Fun to watch how they created their master pieces.

A good time by all....the kids each got bags that Great Grammie Dow made for them.

Friday, October 21, 2011

October 10th in Maine!


What could be better than a day filled with grandchildren, having fun with arts and crafts, and of course, my favorite, swimming. When you consider it was October 10th, and our day covered making snowmen and swimming, well, you gotta love Maine and what it has to offer. Here are a few pictures to capture the memory.


Visited with a life long friend a few weeks ago. This is the view from her back yard. We awoke to the sun hitting the top of the mountain and making some of the most beautiful hues of color imaginable. We could actually see the hikers on the peak through out the day.
Fresh white roses in our room. How special!
We have been friends a long time, but our book has a few chapters with not much on the pages, as we married, raised our families and started our careers. I appreciate even more the bond that has spanned the years, and that with each gathering, we pick up right where we left off.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Use your imagination.....

First Day of School 2011

This year, Brooklynn started Pre-k. It was a big day for all.Lexy is in 3rd grade, growing up way too fast. She was ready to go to school back in July!

Kloe seemed quite excited, too! Mostly to see her friend Casey! She is in 2nd grade.
Dawson is in 1st grade. He, too, said he was ready to go back to school. Whose kids are these, anyway? He loves his new teacher!
All four are ready to go, dressed in their new clothes, and carrying their new back packs. Let's hope they are always this excited about school!
Here's the whole family. Even Brandy was off to "school", too. Not sure who was more excited about the first day of school, the kids, or their parents, or the day care provider. Hoping they all have a great year!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Such joy!

Earlier this week, we had the pleasure of watching our four grandchildren. They kept us very busy, but we loved every minute of it. We dug out the riding toys, and they played a game of McDonald's Drive Through in the garage with their grandfather. They kept it up for almost 2 hours. Tried to capture the laughter and enjoyment in each one. Lexy is pretty serious most of the time, but I just love her smile.Kloe moves so fast it is hard to get a good picture of her. She even started some competitions by opening a Burger King near by.
Dawson laughed and laughed when he asked for directions to Walmart.
And Brooklynn just wanted a strawberry smoothie, over and over again. Such fun, love the laughter and the smiles. They will remember it for a long time.
Ken received more retirement gifts from his high school buddy and family. They found an assortment of things to occupy the hours of the day. Dusting and coloring were a few suggestions.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Wedding Anniversary Celebration

Today, we celebrated Betty and Herb's 60 wedding anniversary. What a milestone. We all gathered at our house for a few pictures, a great meal, lots of fun, and some memories.
David, Lynn, Angie, Matt, Anna, and Parker

Ken, Julie, Corey, Brandy, Lexy, Kloe, Dawson, Brooklynn, Gavin and Jen. (PS- I love our little family!)
Cyndie, Gary, Ian, Kris, Paige, Izabel, Alyvia, Amanda, Jeff, Madden and Brennen.
Betty and Herb, and what they have created over the past 60 years. Here's to their accomplishment, a milestone that not many can claim. We wish you many more happy years, and thank you for your faithful support and guidance over the years.