Sunday, March 16, 2008

Sunday, March 16, 2008

We got home yesterday from a week in Florida, and just had to see the kids for a few minutes. Brooklynn is changing on a daily basis, it seems. She is going to have curly hair, and lots of it by the looks. She still prefers crawling to walking, but I'm sure that will change one of these days.

Dawson looks so much more grown up after becoming 3. He dressed himself today, shirt and pants on backwards, and boots on the wrong feet, but he did it himself. His vocabulary is growing tremendously, and you can actually understand alot of what he is saying.

Alexys wasn't feeling great tonight, she had a tummy ache. She's quite excited about her birthday that is coming up. She wants a new dress, and tights, and shoes. Seems like we should be able to take care of that for her. Hard to believe she will be 5 years old! Where did those years go?

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