Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Birthday Party Fun

We celebrated a cousin's birthday over the weekend. Aunt Cyndie did a great job entertaining all the children. Everyone took a turn at blowing bubbles up over a cup. What a great idea! It kept them busy (and quiet) for quite a while. Lexy shows her skills and has quite a flow going.

Kloe got right into it, also. She put everything she had into that straw and the bubbles just overflowed.
Dawson wasn't sure about it at first, but once he saw how much fun everyone was having, he, also, tried it. He manages to pause for a second to show me that great smile.

And, Brooklynn would have won the prize for blowing the longest. She spent most of the party standing on her tip toes, blowing and blowing into the straw, making mountains and flows of bubbles. What fun was had by all.

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