Monday, January 10, 2011

A New Year.....

This sweater and hat were made by a very dear friend of mine a few years ago. I think she started it for one of my boys when they were small, but Elizabeth never had anything done on time. I was so happy that they fit Dawson, and that he wanted to wear them. Elizabeth would be happy.

As the new year descends upon us, we are fortunate to be able to celebrate not one, but two of our grandchildren's birthdays. Kloe looks deep in thought as she turns 7.
Lexy trying very hard to be cool in her brother's new hat.
Kloe and her friend share a laugh. All five kids there had a great time.

And we all know that this little imp just had to get in on everything. There isn't much that she doesn't include herself in.

Kloe and Dawson getting ready to....
...blow out the candles.
Brooklynn gets a lesson from Uncle Gavin on how the gun works. Again, she is not going to be left behind.

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