Friday, April 8, 2011

Author's Tea

Today, Dawson's class had their Author's Tea. The students in Mrs. Miller's class have worked very hard on writing a story, and today was their day to read their stories to the guests. I was fortunate to be asked to attend.
Dawson's story was "I Got Lollipops."
He climbed into the tall chair, as usual sporting his big smile, and read his story to all of us.
After reading each page, he would show us all his pictures. What a fantastic few minutes for these children. They were all rewarded with cake and iced tea.

What ever happened to that baby boy, who couldn't hear, and could hardly keep anything down. When I walked by his room, and he was standing by the door, beaming when he saw us, giving us his little wave, it hit me that the baby is gone. This young man has written a story, documented it with pictures, and was capable of reading it to us. He did such a great job. I realized that his speech has made great bounds, also. As he waited in line, I could see that he is the tallest in his class. So proud of him, and so proud to be his grandmother. But most of all? So proud that he asked me to be there.

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