Monday, December 6, 2010

A four year old and a camera....

On a recent visit to Mammie and Papa's house, Brooklynn was allowed to use the camera and take some pictures. She usually does a pretty good job, but we found out her new talent. Scroll on.......

Not a bad picture of Lexy having her chicken noodle soup to help make her feel better. She told her father later that afternoon, that she wasn't feeling well again, and thought the chicken soup had worn off!
Brooklynn has learned how to take a self portrait, extending her short little arms as far as she could, and still pressing the button. Bright flash! But cute smile.
Not sure, but I think she was up to something.
Yes, by that twinkle in her eye, and that cherub smile, she is definitely up to something!
Now, what four year old doesn't know that sticking your tongue out isn't nice, but only if you get caught.
And I think she is thinking, "There, I did it! I stuck my tongue out, took some pictures, and no one will ever know!" Beware, little one, as these may turn up at the most inconvenient time, like when the new boyfriend comes to visit, or senior video, to name a few! One thing is for sure, she is a keeper!

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