Sunday, January 20, 2013

January Birthdays

It seems like the holidays just get over, and we have not one, but two, birthdays to celebrate. Dawson on the 7th and Kloe on the 9th. The request this year was a three layer cake that looks like a Rubik's Cube. Ya, right. Thankful for the power of google, this is what I came up with.
Down right impressed, I am! I used a new frosting from a dear friend, and it is a keeper. It keeps the colors well, and is a charm to decorate with. 
 Dawson opening his gifts.....
 Lexy helping Kloe.....
 She wanted lime green! I think she likes it!
The birthday kids. I can't believe how quickly the years pass. Kloe is 9, Dawson is 8. Seems like he just turned 3 and had tubes put in his ears. 
I hope the smiles are true representations of these kids. They certainly are the smile in my heart.
Happy Birthday.

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