Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Wednesday, Jan. 28, 2009

I want to wear my shorts and sandals.
It's snowing like crazy out there right now. We closed the store early because of the storm. The grocery store was insane most of the day with people buying milk, bread, and toilet paper. You know, we might not get out for, say 14 hours, maybe, if most of the plows broke down. It never ceases to amaze me how people react when the forecast predicts snow. When was the last time you couldn't get out of your house for 24 hours following a snow storm, not ice storm, but snow storm? Exactly! The next day, the roads are clear, the sun usually shines, and the trees are beautiful. But I digress. Where does all the milk, bread and toilet paper go that you bought two days before they were predicting a snow storm? I guess it goes to the same place that the extension cords that you use at Christmas go, or the fans you use in the summer? And maybe even the same place that the socks in the wash go, so that you don't have a matched set.
It's snowing hard, we might get 8-18 inches. So if you take that, divide by two and add 1, that gives you a better prediction for accumulation. So with the new 5-10 inches, I definitely have to go to work tomorrow.
I want to wear my shorts and sandals.

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