Sunday, March 3, 2019

March 2, 2019

You know those friends that you don't see very often, but when you do, it's like it was yesterday? The ones that you immediately pick up right where you left off? Well, David and Cindy Louder are those friends, especially for Ken. He was really looking forward to their visit. They always seem to go the extra mile, or 1500 miles, to make the connection. They are easy going, never demanding, and will be happy with what ever you do.

We also were up at 2:30 this morning to watch another space launch. This time we went to the Barefoot Bay Pier, along with some other space nuts, and watched it. We were about 30 miles away, down the river. You could see the sky light up when it was ignited, and could watch it for several minutes until it looked like one of the stars in the sky. The photos are not clear, but they represent the moments after lift off, and about 20 seconds later, when it is higher in the sky. It looked like a red-orange moon, shedding light on the river.

So lucky to have seen not one, but two launches in our stay in Florida. Had always wanted to see the space shuttle take off, but it was not to be. If these rockets are this impressive, I can only imagine what the shuttle must look like. Wow!

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