Sunday, March 3, 2019

February 27 & 28, 2019

Ken and I went to the west coast to visit my cousin, Dawn Louise and her husband, Perry. We stayed at their house last winter for a month, and thought we had found paradise. The most relaxing, calming place to spend time during the winter months. Drove through some agricultural areas to get there, stopping in Labelle at the Two Peas cafe for some lunch. Nice little local place, with some good food. Arrived at the Antone's and immediately we were in our suits and in the pool. Ahhhhh.

It was a great visit. Learned a lot about Perry's career in law enforcement- boy does he have some stories to tell. Some comical, some frightening. I don't think the public really knows what they go through. I know I didn't.

On Thursday, we visited with my friend's father that lives in  Fort Myers. Slugger was happy to see us, and we talked and reminisced for a while. He is a remarkable man, almost 89. He always has a story, or a piece of history to share. And usually a bloody mary, too.

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